Sunday, June 22, 2008

Hello, and welcome to The Panda Bear Blog.

Let me first say that I am not a panda bear capable of typing human language into a blog format. Second, let me say I have a short-term memory problem and a poor attention span, neither of which have to do with the panda bear theme, but I feel I should be up front with you. Rather, I am a soon-to-be-former student of the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics at Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado. And several more potential prepositions.

This blog will address both poetics and pedagogy in the panda bear aesthetic. The Panda Bear Manifesto will be forthcoming in the near future, but for now consider this:

If a panda bear is angry, you must remember that it is a bear, and it will kill you. Do not mistake a cute face for a safe face. Neither should you mistake a playful approach to poetry or pedagogy for a lackadaisical attempt at humor.

It is a bear, and it will kill you.

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